Friday, June 29, 2012


2WW - Maybe now would be a good time not to have internet instead of the last 3 weeks.

Correction, I did HAVE internet - all that I can get on my phone for a limited data plan of 300MB for 3 weeks. You would be surprised how fast that is sucked up. Most of it I used to read other IVF/Surro buddy blogs, even if I usually couldn't leave a comment. So yes I have been reading everyone and going through it all - sorry I couldn't write more on your pages!

We arrived back yesterday around 1pm and rather than instantly get online, I took a nap. And another. And another. Pretty soon it was 3:45AM and I was up for the day. Took another nap around 7am, but been running around since then. Hopefully it won't take my usual 5-7 days to adjust to the jet-lag.

Rather than obsess over 2ww, I did other things today. Most notably the research to become a PIO (Person of Indian Orgin). Apparently spouses are allowed to apply. We shall see. Some of it's kind of grey, but it would be nice if I didn't have to worry about the restrictions of my visa for traveling back and forth to India.

That's it for now. Congrats and Hugs to all of those whom I wasn't able to post to during my trip abroad.  


  1. Welcome home! We are going to be sharing this 2WW within just one or two days separation! I'm glad for the company, and continue to hope that we both will get our positives!!! Did you get to take any pictures of the area while you were there? From the book we both read, it sounded like a really interesting place. I have some images in my head, but would love to see your pictures!

    1. I did, but as I suspected, the author took creative liberties or didn't know things. (Our hotel had veg and non veg on the menu and they asked every morning if I wanted eggs.)
      The town isn't that different than any non-major Indian cities. The biggest difference is that the state is considered very prosperous (by Indian standards) and thus there were very few beggars or homeless. Still tons of people.

  2. Fingers are crossed HARD for your 2WW!! Tons of baby dust!

  3. Fingers crossed! Now, excuse my total ignorance, did you transfer to your body or a surrogate?

    1. We used a surrogate. We knew from before we were married that I would have to use a surrogate - had cyroblation surgery on my uterus lining many years ago for unrelated problems.

      When we first start the process here in the states, my OB/GYN noticed that my lining was growing back and then we investigated if there was a chance for me to carry. The end result from our fertility clinic in US was that it was unknown if it would be successful and would take too long (thus making us have less a chance with my own eggs.) Sadly, we did not know about the age factor of my eggs until we were ready to start having kids. Had we known that we would have started earlier or at least frozen some eggs/embryos.

    2. I see, I thought you were using a surrogate at first but then wasn't sure. I hope this is it for you. xo


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