Monday, July 30, 2012


Ok, confession time: I'm a tad afraid that my hormones are making me feel a little roid ragey. I'm not used to taking birth control pills (BCP) and I'm certainly not used to taking DHEA, both of which contain hormones. This morning I feel unusually weepy, and often I feel unusually RAWR!!!! Add that I am probably PMSing and it's a mighty good thing that hubby is at the office today.

I'm hoping it will level off soon; the bad parts, not the good parts. On the good side I think I am getting darn good sleep at night (not normal for me) and I don't feel exhausted during the day like I normally do. DHEA is supposed to help people with chronic fatigue syndrome and I am wondering if the deeper sleep at night is why. How long has this been a problem for me? My mom still tells stories how she worried I would be kicked out of kindergarten because of my requirement for 2+ hour naps.

If the Fedex man likes me today, then I should receive my Melatonin. Hopefully that won't throw me back to wanting to sleep all the time. Sigh.  I wonder if I should go back to acupuncture. It didn't seem to help one bit and I wonder if the occasional massage wouldn't be just as effective (and appreciated more.) Then again, the acupuncturist also could help me wade through the RAWR.

If someone had told me a year ago that I would be taking all kinds of weird supplements and dropping $100 a pop to the local acupuncturist, I would have told them they were off their rocker. Next thing you know I'll be traveling to a rural town, in a foreign country, without my husband, navigating the intricacies of basic every day things, for the privileged of shots in my belly. Oh wait...


  1. The things we do, I know! Hang in there, I think it's the hormones, I hate BCP!

    1. Me too. I think it's the combining 3: BCP, DHEA, and PMS. Argh.

  2. So this sounds like you are prepping for another try, thats great!! DHEA made me a bit "roidy" as well!! We did get some nice embryos as a result tho! Stay strong.

    1. That's great! Did you have results prior to compare to?

  3. Yes. Last embryos before this were fragmented , seems the DHEA really helped with quality.

    1. Excellent. I'm really, really hoping for more eggs this time. My one embryo looked good, but well, it was only one.


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