Friday, July 13, 2012

Decisions, decisions

While we already know we want to cycle again as possible, it is very hard deciding where. There are so many pros and cons to the different locations - have to decide quickly. Due to my age and low previous response, it is imperative that I choose someone that has a high success rate for MY given situation. That's harder to determine (outside of US) than one would think. 


  1. You are definitely going to do it in India? Is the US out of the question?

    1. US gets us into an expense that with surrogacy is astronomical. IVF cycle + meds + surrogacy agency + surrogate + lawyer + medical expenses if surrogate does not have insurance. We are looking at a base price of 80K and that is IF the cycle is successful (add 18K for each cycle) and IF there is no surprise medical due to lack of insurance. I'm told you can get insurance, but that, of course is an additional [large] expense.

      I'm worried if we cycled and did our embryos here (but used surrogacy in India), then the freezing/unfreezing process lowers our chances. Add on additional fears for doing it in US (we have to wait longer to find a surrogate = eggs get older + nutrition/medication/lifestyle of surro is more monitored in India) and it just doesn't seem like a good option for us.

    2. Also, in my state in the US, the surro is still considered the birth parent should a legal problem occur.

  2. I totally understand how you feel. I undertook about 3-4 months of research of clinics in US, Thailand and India before deciding on SCI in Delhi. The costs in the US were way too prohibitive for us. Thailand clinics and some cases scared me in that legally surrogate mums have challenged to keep their babies and been successful in Thailand. Indian law gave me much more security around the process of surrogacy. After that I then researched a number of different Indian clinics by looking at their protocols (ISO)and also the way they treated surrogates etc.....SCI have well and truly lived up to my expectations...really good communication and care and great expertise...and of course so far this has been successful for us as we are at 16 weeks with 3 babies being carried by 2 surro mummies. To date our long awaited dreams are coming true...My hubby and I are in our mid forties so this was our last throw everything at it effort to have a family....good luck with your decision making.

    1. I agree that Indian law gives me much more security. In my state in the US, the surro is still considered the birth parent should a legal problem occur.

      Did you use donor eggs or your own? Successful track record with my age group using own eggs is very important. The treatment and care of the surros is also a high factor.

  3. Where and when is always the hard decision. It took us a couple of years and lots of research here in the US and India. We ultimately decided on SCI for several reasons...many touched on by New Year Dreaming...and we couldn't be happier with our decision. Dr Shivani and her team lived up to every expectation we had. Good luck with your decisions!

  4. Sorry to hear about the negative, I am sure you were oddly prepared for this given the circumstances. You will probably hear from some of us SCI'ers who are all very happy with Dr Shivani. To change clinics is difficult, been there done that. You have to do what is right for you with hopes of success. We are here supporting you!! I am of an advanced fertility age aswell, so if you ever want to gab via email, just shoot me a line (addy is on my blog) For now, big hugs, stay positive!

    1. Which blog is yours? I can't access it through your profile. I follow so many now it is hard to keep track of whose is whose.

    2. This is me:


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