Sunday, January 13, 2013

6 Embies

We have 6 embryos. We will see how many continue. (4 of the eggs were immature). The embryologist said if they do well, then they might consider doing a 5 day transfer instead. We told her that we are not sure if we want to take that risk and to have the doctor call us tomorrow when we know more on how they are doing. 

Pros of going to 5 day: out of the embryos that survive, you can choose the very best ones to implant, resulting in a higher rate of pregnancy.
Cons of going to 5 day: embryos that could result in a pregnancy may not make it to 5 day outside of the womb. We could lose them all and have nothing to transfer. 

Trying to get less excited. It's hard. 


  1. Amazing!!! 6 embryos are something to get excited about - you'll decide tomorrow.

    I am so happy for you -:)

  2. We were in the same situation with our first ivf. We were actually scheduled for three day transfer but clinic called and recommended we wait until five. Both three and five day transfers have almost same success rate. Fingers crossed for you!

    1. Yea, I'm seeing scholar documents that say both. My husband is pretty set on 3, but I'm seeing some more things were there is a difference in my age bracket for 5 day.

  3. Yay for 6 embies!! I am crossing my fingers and toes for you!!

  4. hoooray! Grow embies, grow! Magic growing power from Sweden :D

  5. This is such a hard decision to make, and like you said it depends on the quality of the embryos and how they progress. We transferred four day 3 embryos and none of them took. We also had none left over to freeze. For IVF#2 our new RE has already told us he plans for a Day 5. Good luck with your decision, and I am sending you lots of baby dust :)

    1. It sounds like you made the right decision for #1. If you put them all in at day 3, I don't think your odds improve with a day 5. You can just pick the best. We had only ever planned for Day 2/3 because of our best cycles, so having this option is a good thing, but stressful.

  6. Good news on 6 embryos!!! This is really exciting! Go with what your clinic says, if they think that they could make it to Day 5 then go for it :)

    1. Remember, your clinic also wants you to succeed, it's in their best interest as well. I know it's hard to let go, but on something like this, where is them that are looking at the embryos and not you, I think you should let them make the decision. Fingers crossed!

    2. Hubby made a good points to me about why we wouldn't go to day 5. Still trying to absorb it all and will talk to the doctor tomorrow.

  7. Yay on getting 6 embryos. Hopefully they all make it to day 5.

    1. Thanks! I'm 80% sure we are going to opt for Day 3.

  8. Congrats on your 6. Praying they are strong and make it to day 5!

    1. Thank you. We will decide tomorrow with the Dr. which option to go with. Hopefully they have all made it to Day 3!

  9. wishing you the best of luck. i know these decisions are hard. my biases is day 5; it just gives you more information and should help to weed out abnormal ones. but you have to do what feels right. in my opinion only if an embie is made to stick around he or she will regardless of the day of transfer

  10. yay for 6 Embies! keep dividing and getting stronger little embies x

  11. Just thinking about you - hoping you had a successful day 3!


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