Thursday, December 6, 2012

Money, Get Away

"Money, get away
Get a good job with more pay
And you're OK."

Clearly The Pink never went for infertility treatment. Which is weirdly funny given their nickname.

We are entering our third and final cycle with my eggs and with a person close to us doing the surrogacy (without charge). Approximate cost: 35-40K. That's not a typo. That's how much it will cost us out of pocket. Paid in full by months end. In addition to all we have already spent.

And now, all of a sudden, a little voice inside me is very scared. To spend this much money and use my long shot eggs. Actually I'm quite terrified.


  1. i am confused as you say its without charge but then imply you must spend 35-40K? Hope you are ok xxxxx

    1. The surrogate is not charging us (nor do we have to pay a surrogate agency fee), but we still have attorney fees, psych evals, medical, FDA screenings, IVF pre/post/during, medicines, etc.. All of that totals between 35-40K.

      I just found out that one of the attorneys has a flat fee for the initial contract (2500), but then you have to give 5k the 3rd trimester for court stuff (presumably so our names are on the birth certificate and we can avoid worrying about going through an adoption process.) The attorney's documentation strongly recommends that the surrogate have an attorney at Phase 2, thus that would be additional cost for us.

    2. If it was only me having IVF, it would run around 12500 for the IVF and a couple of thousand for the meds. Having a surrogate (that doesn't charge us) tags on 20K to the price. That's regardless if we are successful or not. Gosh help us if we have to go to donor eggs.

      We've already dropped about 35K in India and about 55K in lost wages for me. :-/

    3. Not trying to be negative - as I've been down this road before. You might want to take out a disability policy for the GC they are chap if you get it NOW before she's pregnant - it would cover part of her lost wages if she can't work part of the time during her pregnancy. I know she was a smoker and they tend to have a few more health concerns and complications which might make bed rest more likely -

      Even if she isn't getting paid most contracts cover lost wages - unless of course she's not working:)
      Hoping it all works out for you!!

  2. I am assuming your friend also has medical insurance that does not preclude surrogacy, which saves you quite a bit as well. It's amazing how much less surrogacy costs in India; however, if you're unlucky like us the costs can quickly add up to staggering amounts you thought you'd never (have to) spend to have the same joy of parenthood that so many take for granted...and for free.

    1. We will have to have our attorney look to make sure it isn't excluded.

  3. It's absolutely insane how much it cost. I'm with you on that. My husband has said that it feels like we are paying a lot for peace of mind. Meaning, if we are unsuccessful, at least we will know we have done everything we could. He's also said that this kid is going to have to get a job at age 5 to start paying off his expenses! lol

    As always, good luck with everything! I pray it works out with a happy ending this go 'round.

    1. Yes, I'm glad we are able to do our last cycle here in the US. There is a difference, good and bad, but I feel like it's our best chance.


  4. Thinking of you and hoping everything works out.

  5. Keeping everything crossed for you guys x


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